Ad hoc and other Announcements
Document title | Date | Download |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR The StarragTornos Group loses its majority shareholder but its stability remains assured |
06.02.2025 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos Media release from the Fust family Walter Fust (1941-2025) - Picture - Samuel Trümpy |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR The StarragTornos Group loses its majority shareholder but its stability remains assured (in French) |
06.02.2025 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos (in French) Media release from the Fust family (in French) Walter Fust (1941-2025) - Picture - Samuel Trümpy |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR The StarragTornos Group loses its majority shareholder but its stability remains assured (in German) |
06.02.2025 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos (in German) Media release from the Fust family (in German) Walter Fust (1941-2025) - Picture - Samuel Trümpy |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group holds its own in a difficult environment |
30.01.2025 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group holds its own in a difficult environment (in German) |
30.01.2025 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos (in German) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group holds its own in a difficult environment (in French) |
30.01.2025 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos (in French) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Change to Executive Board of StarragTornos Group |
26.09.2024 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Change to Executive Board of StarragTornos Group (in German) |
26.09.2024 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos (in German) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Change to Executive Board of StarragTornos Group (in French) |
26.09.2024 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos (in French) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group records pleasingly stable order intake and temporary decline in sales and EBIT |
25.07.2024 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group records pleasingly stable order intake and temporary decline in sales and EBIT (in French) |
25.07.2024 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos (in French) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group records pleasingly stable order intake and temporary decline in sales and EBIT (in German) |
25.07.2024 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos (in German) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos expects earnings to decline due to the economic situation |
28.06.2024 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos expects earnings to decline due to the economic situation (in French) |
28.06.2024 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos (in French) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos expects earnings to decline due to the economic situation (in German) |
28.06.2024 | Ad hoc Annoucement StarragTornos (in German) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Michael Hauser hands over operational management of StarragTornos Group to Martin Buyle |
28.05.2024 | Ad hoc Announcement StarragTornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Michael Hauser hands over operational management of StarragTornos Group to Martin Buyle (in French) |
28.05.2024 | Ad hoc Announcement StarragTornos (in French) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Michael Hauser hands over operational management of StarragTornos Group to Martin Buyle (in German) |
28.05.2024 | Ad hoc Announcement StarragTornos (in German) |
Annual General Meeting of StarragTornos Group AG: StarragTornos Group shareholders approve all proposals of the Board of Directors | 20.04.2024 | Media Release StarragTornos |
Annual General Meeting of StarragTornos Group AG: StarragTornos Group shareholders approve all proposals of the Board of Directors (in French) | 20.04.2024 | Media Release StarragTornos (in French) |
Annual General Meeting of StarragTornos Group AG: StarragTornos Group shareholders approve all proposals of the Board of Directors (in German) | 20.04.2024 | Media Release StarragTornos (in German) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group records year-on-year increase in sales and leap in profits on a pro forma basis |
15.03.2024 | Ad hoc Announcement StarragTornos (in French) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group records year-on-year increase in sales and leap in profits on a pro forma basis |
15.03.2024 | Ad hoc Announcement StarragTornos (in German) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group records year-on-year increase in sales and leap in profits on a pro forma basis |
15.03.2024 | Ad hoc Announcement StarragTornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group is well on track and presents its first provisional results for 2023 |
26.01.2024 | Ad hoc Announcement StarragTornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group is well on track and presents its first provisional results for 2023 |
26.01.2024 | Ad hoc Announcement StarragTornos (in French) |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR StarragTornos Group is well on track and presents its first provisional results for 2023 |
26.01.2024 | Ad hoc Announcement StarragTornos (in German) |
Merger of Starrag Group Holding AG and Tornos Holding Ltd. to form StarragTornos Group AG successfully completed | 08.12.2023 | Media Release StarragTornos |
Tornos shareholders approve merger with Starrag; delisting of Tornos Holding Ltd. from SIX Swiss Exchange as of December 8, 2023 | 30.11.2023 | Media Release Tornos |
Starrag shareholders approve merger with Tornos | 29.11.2023 | Media Release Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Starrag and Tornos Propose Merger |
26.10.2023 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag and Tornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Medium-term operating earnings target almost achieved – Order intake maintained at a high level – Order backlog remains solid – Sales increased significantly |
27.07.2023 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Tornos posts marked improvement in operating result |
26.07.2023 | Ad hoc Announcement Tornos |
Starrag merges two business units | 05.06.2023 | Media Release Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Starrag evaluates a merger with Tornos |
30.05.2023 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Tornos evaluates a merger with Starrag |
30.05.2023 | Ad hoc Announcement Tornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Annual General Meeting of Starrag Group Holding AG: All motions of the Board of Directors approved – Dividend of CHF 2.00 per registered share |
21.04.2023 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Further increase in order intake – Continued increase in order backlog – Sales up 9% – Operating income significantly improved – Dividend proposed |
10.03.2023 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Tornos continues to improve its performance |
06.03.2023 | Ad hoc Announcement Tornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Martin Buyle becomes new CEO of Starrag Group |
27.01.2023 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Order intake up 5% on already strong prior-year basis – sales up 9% – further increase in order backlog – continued improvement in profitability |
27.01.2023 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Tornos achieves further increase in sales and stabilizes order intake at a high level |
18.01.2023 | Ad hoc Announcement Tornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Dr. Christian Walti resigns from his CEO mandate as of 31.12.2022 |
12.12.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Christian Kurtenbach appointed as Head of the Business Unit High Performance Systems (HPS) |
09.12.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR CEO Dr. Christian Walti is leaving the Starrag Group |
18.11.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Rainer Hansjürgens becomes the new Head of the Business Unit Large Parts Manufacturing Systems (LPMS) |
23.09.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Tornos confirms the good results of the previous year |
10.08.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Tornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Substantial improvement in operating earnings – order intake significantly up year on year – order backlog over CHF 300 million – sales at the same level as in the previous year |
28.07.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Tornos share: Nominal value reduction achieved through distribution and allocation to legal reserve from capital contributions |
06.07.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Tornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Annual General Meeting of Starrag Group Holding AG: All motions of the Board of Directors approved – Christian Androschin and Bernhard Iseli new members of the Board of Directors – Dividend of CHF 1.00 per registered share |
23.04.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Tornos Annual General Meeting approves all Board of Directors’ proposals |
13.04.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Tornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Tornos reports highly gratifying results for fiscal year 2021 |
07.03.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Tornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Order intake nearly doubled – Significant increase in order backlog – Sales at the same level as in the previous year – Further improvement in operating earnings – Dividend proposed |
04.03.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Change in the BU High Performance Systems |
15.02.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Order intake almost doubled – significant increase in the order backlog – sales at the same level as in the previous year – further improvement in operating earnings – restructuring programme largely implemented |
28.01.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Tornos reports a significant increase in orders and sales in all key markets |
19.01.2022 | Ad hoc Announcement Tornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Starrag Group signs reconciliation of interests with the works councils of the Mönchengladbach site |
19.11.2021 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Tornos achieves marked improvements at all levels |
10.08.2021 | Ad hoc Announcement Tornos |
AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT pursuant to Art. 53 LR Structural changes to optimise earnings in the long term – reduction in staff at our Mönchengladbach and Bielefeld sites – negotiations opening with the works councils |
29.07.2021 | Ad hoc Announcement Starrag |
Strong recovery in the order intake – same level as in the previous year despite slightly lower sales – order backlog remains substantial and balance sheet remains solid | 29.07.2021 | Media Release Starrag |
Change to the General Management at Tornos Group | 30.04.2021 | Media Release Tornos |
Annual General Meeting of Starrag Group Holding AG: All motions of the Board of Directors approved | 23.04.2021 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos Annual General Meeting approves all Board of Directors’ proposals | 14.04.2021 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos expects significantly better half-year results in 2021 than in 2020 | 13.04.2021 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos has started the year 2021 well equipped | 08.03.2021 | Media Release Tornos |
As expected, order intake, sales and income fell in 2020 – slight improvement in order intake and income in the second half of the year – major progress in strengthening the Group internally | 05.03.2021 | Media Release Starrag |
Change to the General Management at Tornos | 25.02.2021 | Media Release Tornos |
Order intake, sales and income saw declines in 2020 as expected – Slight improvement in order intake and income in the second half of the year – Major progress in strengthening the Group internally | 29.01.2021 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos posts negative annual result but positive development in demand in the fourth quarter of 2020 | 20.01.2021 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos realigns market focus | 03.09.2020 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos faces major challenges | 11.08.2020 | Media Release Tornos |
Order intake and sales considerably below previous year’s level – Lower profit – Substantial order backlog – Solid balance sheet and low net debt | 23.07.2020 | Media Release Starrag |
Change to General Management at Tornos Group | 01.07.2020 | Media Release Tornos |
Changes in the management of Starrag Group | 30.06.2020 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos categorically rejects Unia allegations | 18.06.2020 | Media Release Tornos |
Change to General Management at Tornos | 15.06.2020 | Media Release Tornos |
Annual General Meeting of Starrag Group Holding AG: All motions of the Board of Directors approved – Michael Hauser succeeds Walter Fust as Chairman of the Board of Directors | 25.04.2020 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos Annual General Meeting approves all Board of Directors’ proposals | 15.04.2020 | Media Release Tornos |
No attendance in person at the 2020 Annual General Meeting – Proposal to waive the dividend – Impact of the coronavirus crisis on the financial year 2020 | 30.03.2020 | Media Release Starrag |
As expected, lower order intake and higher sales, while EBIT margin lower – order backlog still solid | 06.03.2020 | Media Release Starrag |
Expectedly lower order intake and higher sales with a lower EBIT margin – order book remains high | 24.01.2020 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos volume down from previous year | 21.01.2020 | Media Release Tornos |
Late final payment for sold business property | 09.01.2020 | Media Release Tornos |
Alexander Attenberger appointed Chief Sales Officer of Starrag Group | 14.11.2019 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos again significantly improves result | 03.11.2019 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos amends forecast for 2019 financial year | 25.10.2019 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos once again significantly increases sales, EBIT and productivity | 13.08.2019 | Media Release Tornos |
Increased sales – Lower order intake – Order backlog for over one year – Improved operating margin – Net income affected by restructuring costs | 24.07.2019 | Media Release Starrag |
Annual General Meeting of Starrag Group Holding AG: All motions of the Board of Directors approved – Walter Fust replaces Daniel Frutig as Chairman of the Board of Directors – Dividend of CHF 1.00 per share | 26.04.2019 | Media Release Starrag |
Program to sustainably increase profitability | 25.04.2019 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos to become independent in China | 25.04.2019 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos Annual General Meeting approves all Board of Directors’ proposals | 10.04.2019 | Media Release Tornos |
Significantly higher order intake – Record high order backlog – Sales and EBIT margin down y-o-y | 08.03.2019 | Media Release Starrag |
Change in the Board of Directors of Tornos | 05.03.2019 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos achieves another significant increase in order intake and sales | 22.01.2019 | Media Release Tornos |
Revised outlook for fiscal 2018: Setback in earnings performance – Pleasing order intake | 16.11.2018 | Media Release Starrag |
Change in the management of Starrag Group | 31.08.2018 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos wins the 2018 Swiss WCM Award | 30.08.2018 | Media Release Tornos |
Order backlog at an all-time high | 14.08.2018 | Media Release Tornos |
Significantly higher order intake – Continued solid order backlog | 27.07.2018 | Media Release Starrag |
Annual General Meeting of Starrag Group Holding AG: All motions of the Board of Directors approved – Michael Hauser new member of the Board of Directors – Dividend of CHF 1.50 per share | 28.04.2018 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos secures large orders from automotive industry subcontractors | 26.04.2018 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos returns to profit | 12.03.2018 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos Group significantly improves result | 15.02.2018 | Media Release Tornos |
Christian Walti selected as Starrag Group’s next CEO | 09.02.2018 | Media Release Starrag |
Higher sales – solid order backlog representing more than one year of production | 26.01.2018 | Media Release Starrag |
Significant increase in orders and sales | 18.01.2018 | Media Release Tornos |
CEO Walter Börsch is leaving Starrag in the fall of 2018 | 27.09.2017 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos continues to perform well | 15.08.2017 | Media Release Tornos |
Significant improvement in profit – order backlog remains good despite drop in order intake – 10% sales growth | 27.07.2017 | Media Release Starrag |
The Tornos Group’s half-year results are much better than those of 2016 | 26.07.2017 | Media Release Tornos |
Starrag changes to Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Ex- change Ltd | 23.05.2017 | Media Release Starrag |
Annual General Meeting of Starrag Group Holding AG: All proposals of the Board of Directors approved – “Starrag” replaces individual brands | 28.04.2017 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos General Meeting approves all proposals of the Board of Directors – increase in order intake in first quarter of 2017 | 12.04.2017 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos remains on course | 14.03.2017 | Media Release Tornos |
Record-high order intake – order backlog for more than one year | 10.03.2017 | Media Release Starrag |
Record-high order intake – order backlog tops one year – sales slightly higher | 26.01.2017 | Media Release Starrag |
Reluctance to invest in high-end products impacts sales and order intake | 24.01.2017 | Media Release Tornos |
Starrag Group corrects 2016 guidance – greater focus on strategically important market segments | 15.12.2016 | Media Release Starrag |
New appointments in the Executive Board | 27.09.2016 | Media Release Starrag |
Starrag Group receives large order in the US | 15.09.2016 | Media Release Starrag |
Absence of major projects impacts Tornos’ first-half sales and result | 16.08.2016 | Media Release Tornos |
Customers’ reluctance to invest in projects significantly noticeable in the first half year | 22.07.2016 | Media Release Tornos |
Annual General Meeting of Starrag Group Holding AG: All motions of the Board of Directors approved | 23.04.2016 | Media Release Starrag |
General Meeting approves all Board proposals – conservative outlook 2016 | 13.04.2016 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos with positive result in a challenging market and currency environment | 15.03.2016 | Media Release Tornos |
Sales steady at constant exchange rates and solid order backlog | 04.03.2016 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos maintains currency-adjusted net sales 2015 at prior-year level | 26.01.2016 | Media Release Tornos |
Change in the Executive Board | 01.12.2015 | Media Release Starrag |
Nine-month results for 2015 | 03.11.2015 | Media Release Starrag |
Cautious investment activity noticeable in Tornos’ course of business | 03.11.2015 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos to concentrate industrial activities at the Moutier site | 30.10.2015 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos holds its own in difficult economic environment | 11.08.2015 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos increases order intake once again; exchange rate depresses quarterly figure | 05.05.2015 | Media Release Tornos |
General Meeting approves all Board proposals | 14.04.2015 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos back to profit in 2014 – strategy implementation on track | 16.03.2015 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos announces measures to contain the impact of the appreciation of the Swiss franc | 25.02.2015 | Media Release Tornos |
Course of business 2014: Significant improvement of sales and order intake | 27.01.2015 | Media Release Tornos |
Sales slightly higher, order intake slightly lower | 26.01.2015 | Media Release Starrag |
Starrag Group: Reorganization targeting strategic market segments for more growth and profitability | 12.12.2014 | Media Release Starrag |
Slightly higher EBIT margin – sales unchanged – lower order intake | 04.11.2014 | Media Release Starrag |
Significant increase in new orders | 04.11.2014 | Media Release Tornos |
First Quarter Results (in German) | 09.05.2014 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos makes solid start to year | 06.05.2014 | Media Release Tornos |
General Meeting approves all Board proposals and elects a new member | 16.04.2014 | Media Release Tornos |
Annual General Meeting of Starrag Group Holding AG: All motions of the Board of Directors approved | 12.04.2014 | Media Release Starrag |
Significant progress made under difficult circumstances | 17.03.2014 | Media Release Tornos |
High level of order intake, steady earnings | 07.03.2014 | Media Release Starrag |
Changes to the Tornos Holding Ltd. Board of Directors | 04.03.2014 | Media Release Tornos |
End of the takeover offer’s additional acceptance period: Walter Fust holds 42.88% of Tornos Holding Ltd share capital | 05.02.2014 | Media Release Tornos |
Course of business 2013: Stabilization at a low level | 30.01.2014 | Media Release Tornos |
Orders well up – sales steady | 27.01.2014 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos Group with new financing | 21.01.2014 | Media Release Tornos |
Walter Fust holds 42.73% of Tornos Holding Ltd share capital | 17.01.2014 | Media Release Tornos |
Publication of interim consolidated financial statements as of September 30, 2013 | 20.12.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
The Tornos Board of Directors confirms the public takeover offer made by Walter Fust | 27.11.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Walter Fust announces public takeover offer for all publicly held registered shares of Tornos Holding AG | 25.11.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Third quarter impacted by seasonal effect | 14.11.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Strategic reorientation well on track – downsizing of General Management | 05.11.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Significant increase in orders – record high order backlog | 05.11.2013 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos reduces credit lines with the banks | 03.10.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Change in the Executive Board | 26.09.2013 | Media Release Starrag |
Gripen: Starrag contract valued at 7 million Francs | 02.09.2013 | Media Release Starrag |
New member appointed to Executive Board | 30.08.2013 | Media Release Starrag |
Strategic initiatives having positive and encouraging impact – half-year results below expectations | 13.08.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Change in General Management | 13.08.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Order intake and sales up, EBIT margin of 5 % | 26.07.2013 | Media Release Starrag |
Tornos Holding Ltd closes rights offering | 29.05.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Tornos defines conditions for announced capital increase of around 30 million Swiss francs | 15.05.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Appointment of the new Head of Sales | 15.05.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
First quarter still weak – strategic investment in Asia | 07.05.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Order intake up 16 % in first quarter 2013 – Order backlog up 11 % year-on-year – Sales revenue of CHF 91 million (-6.3 %) – Earnings before interest and taxes EBIT of CHF 3.5 million – 3.8 % of sales revenue • Net income unchanged at CHF 2.8 million – margin of 3.1 % | 07.05.2013 | Media Release Starrag |
General Meeting approves Board proposals | 16.04.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Annual General Meeting of Starrag Group Holding AG: All motions of the Board of Directors approved | 12.04.2013 | Media Release Starrag |
Adjustment to the alliance with the partner corporation | 04.04.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Starrag Group regulates CEO succession | 21.03.2013 | Media Release Starrag |
Paving the way to the future | 18.03.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Increased order intake, sales and net income, balance sheet strength sustained | 08.03.2013 | Media Release Starrag |
Course of business 2012 in line with expectations | 29.01.2013 | Media Release Tornos |
Preliminary figures for the 2012 financial year – sales and orders increase | 25.01.2013 | Media Release Starrag |
Starrag Group wins coveted Chairman’s Award for Innovation from British Aerospace Systems | 21.01.2013 | Media Release Starrag |
For Starrag Ad hoc and other Announcements visit Starrag website.
For Tornos Ad hoc and other Announcements visit Tornos website.