The company informs its shareholders and the capital market in an open and timely fashion and with the highest possible levels of transparency. The most important information tools are the business and interim reports, the website, media releases, balance sheet presentations for the media and analysts and the Annual General Meeting.
As a company listed on the stock exchange, the StarragTornos Group Ltd. is required to disclose information relevant to the share price in accordance with the listing regulations of the SIX Swiss stock exchange. Any interested party can register at – e-mail distribution to receive potential information relevant to the share price directly from the company via the E-Mail distribution list. This information is also available on the website – media release and can be provided to any interested parties upon request.
Related information and documents will be published on our website
Official announcements and invitations will be sent by post to shareholders using the addresses recorded in the share register. Public announcements prescribed by law are made by publication in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce.
Stéphane Pittet, CFO
+41 32 494 44 44